One-Click Shopping Online

Online shopping is so easy. It’s late in the evening. Maybe you have had a glass of wine (or two). Ladies, this is not the time to one-click shop. Retailers know your weakness. They have made it way too easy to shop frivolously with one-click shopping and free delivery.  

When you (and your glass of wine) sit down to surf the net for a pink ruffle skirt for your dog, new sneakers you “intend” to use at the gym, or a new silk ivory blouse with a ruffled collar (oh yes, I have been looking), resist the urge to one-click shop! It is ok to put your items into your shopping basket, but wait, DO NOT make an immediate purchase.  

One-Click Shopping Tip

In high school woodshop classes, the boys learned to measure twice and cut once. Girls, we need to apply the same strategy to our shopping. Think twice, click once. 

 Have you seriously thought about the impact of your purchase? Stop and ask yourself, is this purchase essential, neutral, or is it really of no significance in my life? Do not click now. Come back later and assess the following: 

  • If it is an essential item, make the purchase tomorrow. This allows you to confirm your belief that it is indeed essential. Great, now you can make that purchase and know you have made a good choice.

  • For something neutral, leave it in your basket until a particular day of the week like Sunday morning when you are not shopping on impulse. When Sunday rolls around, you may find you have collected 3,4, or more items in your shopping cart that warrant further consideration. What do you think now? Does this particular item still hold as much appeal as when you noticed it Friday night? Most likely not. Delete it.  

  • Finally, if an item you put in your shopping basket does not add value to your life, do not do it! You may have simply put this item in your basket because you were frustrated and participating in retail therapy shopping. Wait until the end of the month and consider would you be better off putting that purchase amount $ toward something more important to you? Again, delete.


Online shopping is so easy, but it is easy to fall prey to online shopping debt. Stop the one-click purchasing and simply save items for review on another day. Later you can reassess if the item (or items) are of value to you. It’s ok if your purchase is of benefit, but don’t get carried away with the ease of one-click shopping. Think twice click once.  


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